Monday, June 16, 2008

Quiet Time

My girls are gone. They are traveling around Texas with Kara. They have been gone a week and are going on there second week. I am really missing them. Nick and I have had more time then we knew what to do with. Hahahahahahahahahahaha Our time has still been filled. Nick is doing some tumbling teaching. We have several get togethers with members from the church, which have been great. I notice that I am not sleeping as well with the girls gone. We have been blessed with some great friends. We love you all; you know who you are.

Monday, June 9, 2008


We all had to pose like the kids did!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Reunion 2008

June 7, 2008 - This weekend was such a blessing. The Brashear family were all here, except Nicole (Travis's wife) who had to work. We had such a good time. We went and saw Jordan dance at her recital. We played WII, which the girls received for there birthdays. (Combo gift) We were all really blessed to be able to go to the Grahams to swim. Thank you again, Ya'll have touched our hearts so much. You are honorary Brashear. I took several pictures; please enjoy!